Seville Township Library

Getting a Library Card

Download a patron application and return it to a library staff member.


A library card is important to getting access to the library’s material. Cards are free to Gratiot County residents, as well as those with a current Riverdale, MI address. Non-residents may receive a card for a one-time fee.

Library cards give you access to our large collection of books, audios, movies, magazines, and other services like our mobile hotspots. 

To get a library card, bring in a current photo ID with current address. Those under the age of 18 must have a parent or guardian to accompany them. Cards do expire every year.


Cardholders agree to be financially responsible for anything checked out on their card, including overdue fines. You are responsible for providing Seville Township Library with current contact information. Your information will not be sold or shared. 


Library cards are renewed with circulation staff. You must bring a photo ID with current address. This is to ensure we have current information.